Bread & Puppet: The Obligation To Live
Coming on April 14
Run Time: 70 min.
Puppet show! Puppet show! Bread & Puppet Theater is excited to announce our spring tour, traveling from Vermont down the Eastern Seaboard. Of our latest show, The Obligation to Live, director Peter Schumann reminds us that, “The obligation to be alive and act against the actors of death is just one of humanity’s many obligations. We also have the obligation to courage and the obligation to plant garlic in the rubble of the empire. Possibilitarians know this and bring giants, dragons, horses, sheep, butterflies, and the exact dance of death required for this exact moment.”
After the show Bread & Puppet will serve its famous sourdough rye bread with aioli, and Bread & Puppet’s “Cheap Art” – books, posters, postcards, pamphlets and banners from the Bread & Puppet Press – will be for sale.