Women Will Renew
Run Time: 90 min.
Join Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) for a film screening event at Zoetropolis (112 N. Water Street, Lancaster, PA 17603) in downtown Lancaster on Sunday, July 23, 2023, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. The film “Women Will Renew,” created by MCC Multimedia Producer Christy Kauffman, tells the story of two community leaders who are committed to empowering women and providing clean energy solutions within their community in Mwenezi District, Zimbabwe. Following the 15-minute film will be a discussion and Q&A with advocates from MCC and Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light (PA IPL). Conversation will focus on how you and your congregation or community can take local action to care for creation and support MCC as we accompany our partners who are impacted by climate change. The event is free to the public and registration is encouraged, but not required. To register and view the film trailer, visit mcc.org/women-will-renew-lancaster. For questions, please contact Anika Hurst (EastCoast@mcc.org).