Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror
Director: Xavier Burgin Run Time: 83 min. Release Year: 2019
Starring: Ashlee Blackwell, Meosha Bean, Robin R. Means Coleman, William Crain
Horror Noire: A look at the history of black horror films and the role of African Americans in the film genre from the very beginning.
Purchase your ticket donation in support of the Black Lives Matter Global Network by 6/19 at 5pm!
A note from the Suits:
The First Friday Fright Night team have really missed everyone over the last 3 months! While we can’t wait to see you all in person sometime soon, we wanted to dedicate our first VIRTUAL Fright Night to the cause of crushing racism and police brutality across the country. We invite you to join us for a group screening of “Horror Noire”, the amazing Shudder documentary that takes a look at the history of black horror films and the role that black artists have played in the horror genre since its beginning. Shudder is offering this doc for FREE exclusively on Amazon Prime and Shudder, so in lieu of traditional ticket sales we’re asking for donations to the Black Lives Matter Global Network.
It works like this:
· Go to HERE to “buy a ticket”. Pick a donation level that works for you. Make your donation by 6/19 at 5:00p.
· Once you’ve donated, you will be sent a Zoom link via email for our viewing party scheduled for 9:00p. (You’ll also be entered in a raffle to win a FFFN/Mr. Suit Records/Slime Time Video t-shirt of your choice!)
· Before the show, make sure that you have access to Zoom! You don’t want to end up losing time trying to figure out how to download it. We’ll be using Zoom to screen the film on our end. We’ll also be using Zoom’s Chat feature to (silently) share thoughts about the film in real time, and we hope to hear your thoughts and questions!
· If you have Shudder or Amazon Prime, you can also choose to watch the film using those formats and simply use the Zoom room to contribute to the group conversation!
This movie is not only perfect for Fright Night – it’s also an incredibly important (and often unrecognized) perspective on the horror community at large. The FFFN community has always been good to us, and we hope to see you guys come out to do good for the community!
-Colleen & Mike
Do this in support of BLM, for the love of horror and to support the work of two cool local businesses trying to do some good which by the way are donating ALL proceeds to the cause and aren’t keeping one bloody cent.
-Love, Zoe